Friday, March 26, 2010

"This Day In Civil Rights History" by Horace Randall Williams and Ben Beard

This book is a real treasure. Composed of 365 pages, each one chronicles a significant event in the history of African-Americans and the country in which they live. Turn to any page and you learn someting new. Even if you know the story being told on any particular day, this book serves as a reinforcement of the lessons learned through several centuries of racial strife and adjustment.

This is one of those perfect books for the times when you don't have the time, or inclination, to read something longer. Filled with facts and insights, this book will lead you to dig more deeply into some of the events recounted here. This is also an excellent resource book for teachers, as well as anyone who deals with kids. The day by day accounts give the subject a relevance which is sometimes lacking in todays teaching of the Civil Rights Movement. So much is now taken for granted, it's almost as if the door has been closed on the subject. This book is the key to re-open that door.

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